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by Alan Hargreaves

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Mentoring and Consulting


In 35 years of business experience, there are few management challenges that I have not faced. This is not about coaching. It is a comprehensive mentoring process that draws on actual experience of what has worked, and what has not. Career advancement and the success of the firm is a function of how you adapt to shifts in the business environment, be they personal, geographic, corporate or financial. I have had hands-on experience with these shifts from all sides. I have managed people and I have also been managed. I have also been mentored. I know from first-hand experience what the client wants to achieve. My professional mentoring helps executives develop their full potential as business leaders.

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The Recharge Your Business (RYB) programme is a series of consulting modules that address all aspects of any business. The processes can be offered as a "whole of firm", or targetted in specific areas where change and development are required. These include management organisation, strategic thinking, people and team management, marketing, finance and cultural change.

  • The Excutive Development Model: the RYB rogramme can also be presented as a management intensive of up to five days. This model is ideally suited to management development initiatives in which firms want to seriously groom their best people for senior responsibilities.
  • The Enterprise Development Model: for small-to-medium sized enterprises and business owners, this RYB programme boosts management confidence. You may have been a great salesman, but now you are a manager. You might have created a great business, but now you have to run it. RYB takes the theory behind business management and puts it in clear perspective. In straightforward, bite-sized modules, this programme turns complex ideas into simple techniques that allows you to take immediate and effective action.

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