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In the Media

Entries in audio (2)


Cash Flow Strategies For Bootstrapped Businesses - audio interview

Bob Kearsley interviews Alan Hargreaves on Cash Flow Strategies

2012 could prove to be as tough a year as the one just gone. It will be more important than ever to keep the cash flowing in, and the business lean and ready to take advantage of any opportunity that offers itself. Veteran business coach Alan Hargreaves recommends a "back to basics" approach. Recall how you did things when you were starting out and resources were scarce. Think of doing more with the assets you already have, and getting rid of anything you don't need.

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Recharge Your Batteries - audio interview

Bob Kearsley interviews Alan Hargreaves on Business Essentials

Running a business can be like running a marathon, and just as exhausting. So what do you do when your energy's flagging and inertia is setting in? People are relying on you to show leadership and keep things moving forward, but you're becoming stuck in a rut. Longtime business consultant and author Alan Hargreaves has some sound suggestions, distilled from his book "Recharge".

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